National Men’s Health Week is June 10-20, the week leading up to Father’s Day, because what better way to celebrate dad than to encourage him to take care of his health? The week is all about healthy bodies, hard exercise, good diet, and regular visits to the doctor. It’s part of National Men’s Health Month, a month-long recognition of men’s health with activities and events to remind men to take care of their bodies. So whether you are a man or just love them, take some time this week to celebrate the male form and keeping it in tip-top shape!


Make an Appointment – One of the best ways to celebrate Men’s Health Week is to make an appointment you’ve been putting off! Have a mole you need looked at, or an elbow injury that keeps flaring up? Feel like your digestion has been off or maybe it’s just time for you schedule a test? Use Men’s Health Week as an excuse to make a call and get that appointment on the calendar.

Head to the Gym – Use Men’s Health Week to get yourself moving! Go the gym, take a long walk, swim some laps, or take a bike ride. You’re body with thank you, and just maybe it’ll be the start of a weekly ritual.

Wear a Blue Ribbon – The blue ribbon is the symbol for Men’s Health, and wearing one this week will show your commitment to the cause. It also does double duty as a conversation starter, helping you spread the good news about Men’s Health Week to anyone curious enough to ask!

We all have fathers, brothers, sons, grandfathers, and friends that are men! Some of us are even men ourselves! We want the men in our life to be healthy, happy, and with us for a long time, and encouraging them to take care of themselves is a big part of that. Men’s Health Week helps us talk to the men in our life about their health!

And of course, Father’s Day – Father’s Day is a special occasion celebrated in many countries around the world to honor and appreciate the contributions, sacrifices, and unconditional love of fathers and father figures. It is a day when we express our gratitude and affection towards the men who have played an integral role in our lives. It also serves as a reminder to cherish the bond between fathers and their children, and an opportunity to celebrate the heroism, guidance, and support that fathers provide.

Fathers play a crucial role in the development and well-being of their children. Their influence extends beyond providing financial support; they are mentors, protectors, and teachers. Fathers instill values, discipline, and a sense of responsibility in their children and serve as role models, demonstrating qualities such as strength, resilience, perseverance, and integrity. A father’s love and involvement have a profound impact on a child’s emotional, cognitive, and social development, contributing to their overall growth and success.

Unconditional Love and Support:
Father’s Day is a time to acknowledge the unconditional love and support that fathers give to their children. Whether it is attending school events, cheering at sports games, guiding the family’s religious faith or providing a shoulder to lean on during difficult times, fathers are always there for their children. They offer guidance, encouragement, and wisdom, helping their children navigate life’s challenges and make important decisions.

Teaching Life Skills:
Fathers play a vital role in teaching their children essential life skills. From teaching them how to ride a bike to helping with homework, fathers impart practical knowledge that equips children to become independent and responsible individuals. They teach perseverance, problem-solving, and the value of hard work, often passing on their wisdom and experiences, valuable insights and advice. Through their actions and words, fathers instill a sense of self-belief and empower their children to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

Emotional Support and Connection:
While traditionally fathers may have been seen as stoic figures, the modern understanding of fatherhood emphasizes the importance of emotional support and connection. Fathers are encouraged to express their emotions and engage in open and meaningful communication with their children. By doing so, fathers foster emotional intelligence, empathy, and healthy relationships and provide a safe space for their children to share their feelings, fears, and dreams, nurturing a bond built on trust and understanding.

Father’s Day is not limited to biological fathers alone. It is a day to appreciate all father figures who have had a positive impact on our lives. This includes stepfathers, adoptive fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other significant male figures who have played the role of a father. These individuals offer their love, guidance, and support, stepping into the role of a father when needed. Father’s Day provides an opportunity to express gratitude and honor these extraordinary individuals who have shaped our lives. And, Thanks Dad!

The Nord Center and The LCADA Way are committed to healthy families throughout the communities we serve.  To learn more visit or

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Noah Toumert

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