Comprehensive School Prevention Model

The Comprehensive School Prevention Model (CSPM) assigns a Prevention Specialist to a school or district, for a contracted number of hours per week for each school year.  Services are tailored to fit the school’s individual and unique needs.  All services are confidential.  Services include:

  • Problem identification and referral services
  • Individual, classroom, and family education
  • Drop in hours for students and families
  • Needs assessments
  • Identify available community resources to help address school needs
  • Policy review
  • Staff training
  • Student/Parent/Family engagement and events
  • Presentations on issued related to adolescent or familial substance use
  • Alternative to suspension – nicotine, alcohol and drug education and intervention
  • Drug and Alcohol awareness campaigns
  • Consultation services

Student Assistance Program

The Student Assistance Program (Children of Substance Abuse) is designed for youth, who are affected by a loved one’s use of alcohol and/or other drugs, within the home.


Cost: Free to all participants
Where: ZOOM
When: Every Monday 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Facilitated by Lisa Goodwin, OCPSA, CDCA
Contact: (440) 989-5904 or use our contact form

All youth participating in this confidential group, will receive education on helpful information regarding alcohol/drug and substance abuse related topics.  Youth will have the opportunity to engage with other youth, while facilitated by a Certified Prevention Specialist from The LCADA Way.  Other topics include:

  • What is Substance Abuse and Substance Abuse Disorder
  • Self-Esteem
  • Coping Skills
  • Resiliency Training
  • Communication and Boundaries
  • Decision Making
  • Healthy Relationships

The referral process for the Student Assistance Program can vary depending on the individuals and their circumstances.  It will be up to each school to determine if a consent form is needed.  Referrals may be initiated in the following manner:

  • Self-referral by a student or parent.
  • School referral by a school principal, guidance counselor, teacher, coach, etc.




This Alcohol & Drug Education-Intervention Program is a program for youth and parents/guardians, which provides education and intervention services regarding an adolescent’s substance use.  A parent/guardian is required to attend the program with the youth.

The Eduvention Program is free to participants, and co-funded by Lorain County MHARS Board and Lorain County Juvenile Court.

Eduvention Schedule
Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The Administrative office of The LCADA Way
2115 West Park Drive
Lorain, Ohio 44055

Hand holding family paper cut on fabric background. Family day concept, foster care, domestic violence, homeschool, international day of families, world mental health day, world autism awareness day.

Gambling Prevention Services

The LCADA Way Prevention Department is dedicated to creating awareness & providing education about Problem Gambling Behaviors & Gambling Disorders to the community. Over the years we have provided support for the individual and the families of those that are affected by Gambling Disorders. Additionally. The Prevention Department staff have provided problem gambling education and awareness to youth within Lorain County School Districts and have partnered with local Community Based Organizations that serve youth and adults.  The LCADA Way Prevention Department has ongoing problem gambling education and awareness initiative that are offered through information dissemination, focus groups, and prevention training. Materials used to get the message to the public is by using Change the Game Ohio ( and Get Set Before You Bet ( During various times of the year our staff engage with several ongoing community campaigns to increase awareness of Gambling Disorders and the relationship with youth gaming and risky gambling behaviors. We continue to provide mass media campaigns that include billboards, internet ads, and TV and radio commercials in addition to in-person trainings.

Mentoring Programs

Project AMP

A new and innovative mentoring program that engages and supports youth between the ages of 13-17yo, engaged in harmful substance use and other high-risk behaviors.  Through the pairing of a mentor who has lived experience with substance use disorders, encourage and guide the youth to develop their own skills and strategies to overcome their high-risk behavior. Through this brief Evidenced informed practice, Project AMP aims to help the youth/young adult develop self-efficacy, clarify values, set and achieve goals, and find positive social outlets in their school and community.  Project AMP is unique in that it is available for low to moderate risk youth, a group for whom few prevention and early intervention resources are commonly unavailable.

*Studies show that young people who have participated in mentoring relationships consider them valuable because they help them stay on track in school, make positive choices, follow the right path, and stay motivated.

School and Community Prevention Services

The LCADA way Prevention staff provide ‘Evidence-Based Programs’ and ‘Evidenced Based Practices’ within many Lorain County school Districts and local youth servicing organizations. These programs aim to increase youth resiliency and decrease high-risk problem behaviors such as illicit drug use and ongoing substance use disorders.  The LCADA Way Prevention Department offers a variety of curriculums designed to target substance use, problem gambling, dating violence, and bullying.  Each curriculum addresses specific high-risk problem behaviors. The programs focus on educating youth with these same resiliency skills including problem solving and decision-making skills, communication skills and assertiveness, and building self-esteem.  All curriculums are facilitated by prevention staff certified by the State of Ohio that are highly committed to the well-being of our youth.  The LCADA Way Prevention Department Staff make it standard practice to continue to advance their education, to stay up-to-date on current youth trends, review the newest research & scientific data, and best teaching practices.

  • Botvin’s Life Skills Training: 3rd Grade – High School
  • Keeping It R.E.A.L.: Middle School
  • Too Good for Drugs: Elementary School
  • Risky Business: Middle School & High School
  • OTHER CURRICULUMS: Common Sense Media, Love is Not Abuse, Becoming a Responsible Teen, SMART Choices, Positive Action

Community Prevention Services

The LCADA Way Prevention Department and its certified Prevention Specialists, are committed to creating and keeping safe and healthy communities, by putting the needs of the community first.  This is done by working with community members at large (residents, faith based, local government, law enforcement, schools, businesses, etc.) wide population and collaborating with community stakeholders to identify needs, limitations, and resources.  Services can include:

  • Assisting communities in identifying community readiness through awareness & education
  • Creating community committees and coalitions
  • Community education and support
  • Connecting individuals to resources
  • Providing community education forums/trainings
  • Providing Youth/Adult/Family engagement @ community events

Keys to Prevention

Keys To Prevention on social media Highlights Prevention Education information, educational videos, self-help tips & access to other resources that will help improve individual and community growth and resiliency skills.

Beat the Odds

Beat The Odds on Facebook is dedicated to creating awareness and providing education about Problem Gambling Behaviors and Gambling Disorders to the community.  To provide support for the individual and the families of those that are affected by Gambling Disorders.

Youth Led Prevention Initiatives

Many young people want to improve the communities and schools in which they live and learn, but don’t know where to begin.   Youthled prevention allows youth to address the emotional and behavioral health of youth; it means that youth hear directly from their peers about handling life issues. They are given a voice in planning, decision-making, implementation and evaluation processes. Youth are involved in the entire prevention process.

Lorain County youth involved with the “Voices for Change” prevention education initiatives are provided guidance from The LCADA Way – Prevention Department Staff, who support the young people in leading ‘community change efforts’ that utilize effective, evidence-based/evidenced informed prevention strategies, tools, and resources.  This support assists youth in developing knowledge, skills and attitudes to create campus and community-level change.